Competing with National Insurers: A Roadmap for Provider Sponsored Health Plans
COVID-19 has impacted public perception of just about every category with healthcare at the epicenter. In this insightful business and marketing strategy discussion, BVK employs proprietary research that offers provider-sponsored plans a clear path to brand connection and operational drivers that build share.
In this session, we will cover:
- How has the pandemic impacted public perceptions of health plans and insurance?
- Where are the nationals and state blues plan newly vulnerable?
- What equities do provider-sponsored health plans have that can be leveraged to take share from competitors?
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About Our Presenters
Mike Eaton is a BVK Health Senior Vice President. His first foray into health care was in the late 1980s. Mike spent five days a week driving across Wisconsin’s 72 counties for the Medical Society to talk with physicians in their offices about health care reform legislation. Since then, he’s been on the ground and in the middle for wave after wave of potential and promised changed in health care. Mike has helped physicians and hospitals sort through the noise to find the signals that really matter in terms of what comes next.